Pickleball scoring can be confusing to new players. This game uses a unique point system that’s different from many other sports. When you first sit down to watch a pickleball match, the numbers can seem odd, but thankfully the concept is quite simple.
In order to win a point, the ball must be completely served past the non-volley line, hit within the kitchen, and not called out or hit into the net.
To understand the pickleball scoring system, you must first know the rules of the game. For more information about the basic scoring rules of pickleball, serving rules and the pickleball scoring system explained, read our article.
Pickleball Scoring Rules:
The rules governing scoring in pickleball are generally a combination of badminton and tennis. As with badminton, participants can only slice points when they are serving. In pickleball, a player serves the ball by striking it diagonally to an opponent’s court. If the other team cannot reimburse the ball, the serving team marks a point. When a team is serving, one point is awarded for each time the ball bounces in their opponent’s court.
How to keep score in pickleball:
Keeping score in pickleball is easy; keeping score correctly can be tricky. Let’s take a look at how to keep score in pickleball both in singles and in doubles.
Scoring in pickleball singles:
While there is only one person on the court each side in a singles match, the rules are actually very similar between the two match types. In pickleball singles, players win matches by defeating their opponent by two points.
If you’re playing a singles match, the serving side needs to win two points for them to score one point. However, if you’re playing a doubles match and you win two points, then you will score one point.
Scoring in pickleball doubles:
The point value of each rally won by a team is determined by whether or not the serving team won the rally or lost the rally. If the serving team loses the rally, no points are earned and the score remains unchanged. The serving team earns 1 point if they win the rally.
The most common ways to win a rally are for one team to commit an unforced fault (error) or if one team fails to return your shot before the second bounce of the ball. Each time a new server is rotated into play they will start on “0”, even if their partner already scored points. Serves continue to rotate and new serves are brought in until one team reaches 11 points.
Pickleball is played by players in doubles or singles. And scoring rules are pretty the same. Here I have explained the main rules of scoring in pickleball doubles in detail.
🔺 The Rally Rule
Each side gets one point for each rally they win (a “rally” is the time from when a serve is hit until it goes out or someone commits a fault).
The point value of each rally won by a team is determined by whether or not the serving team won the rally or lost the rally. If the serving team loses the rally, no points are earned and the score remains unchanged. The serving team earns 1 point if they win the rally.
🔺 Serving Rule
In doubles play, the serving team rotates after it loses a point. The player or team serving is awarded one point if the other side does not make a good return. If the puck is served and volleyed by both sides before it goes out of bounds, the serving side gets a point. When the receiver flunks to return the puck, the server is given a point.
Serves continue to rotate and new serves are brought in until one team reaches 11 points. In simple words, you only serve from one side of the court, once you reach 11 points or 15 points, switch sides and continue playing until someone wins by 2.
🔺 First serve Rule (Pickleball Right-hand Rule):
The first player to serve will be on the right-hand side of the court. The next player to serve will move over one position and therefore get served at the left-hand side of the court. Play continues like this after every point until someone wins.
🔺 Side Out Rule:
In doubles pickleball, teams can earn “side out” points as well as serve points.” If you are on the serving team, you get one point for winning each rally and you get to keep serving until your serve gets side-outed. If you are receiving and you win the rally, you do not get a point but your team gets to serve next.
However, points can only be earned at “0” by the serving team, and you must win by two points. In doubles pickleball, teams can earn “side out” points as well as serve points.”
Pickleball winning score:
If you’re playing a game up to 11 points, then it’s called an “open” game. However, if you’re playing a game up to 15 points, then it’s called a “handicap”. Each side gets one point for each rally they win (a “rally” is the time from when a serve is hit until it goes out or someone commits a fault).
Pickleball Serving Rules:
If you are on the serving team, you get one point for winning each rally and you get to keep serving until your serve gets side-outed. If you are receiving and you win the rally, you do not get a point but your team gets to serve next.
The player or team serving is awarded one point if the other side does not make a good return. If the puck is served and volleyed by both sides before it goes out of bounds, the serving side gets a point. When the receiver flunks to return the puck, the server is given a point.
In doubles play, the serving team rotates after it loses a point, while in singles play, each player continues to serve until they lose a point.
You only serve from one side of the court, once you reach 11 points or 15 points, switch sides and continue playing until someone wins by 2.
The first player to serve will be on the right-hand side of the court. The next player to serve will move over one position and therefore get served at the left-hand side of the court. Play continues like this after every point until someone wins.
Pickleball Scoring Rules Explained
The scoring system in pickleball is very similar to tennis. The main difference is that the first side scoring eleven points wins the game, provided they are led by two points. If both sides reach ten points each, then it becomes a “win by two” situation, where the first side to reach twelve points and be leading by two wins the game.
👉 To see how points are scored in pickleball, let’s assume that it’s your turn to serve. You have a 0-0 score, so this will be your first serve. You have to hit the ball underhand and let it bounce on your side of the court before it bounces on your opponent’s side of the court. If you hit the ball into the net or the ball goes out of bounds, your opponent wins a point.
👉 When serving, players must let the ball bounce before hitting it (this is called “putting it in play”).
👉 If you manage to get your first service over and inside of the non-volley zone, then you get a second chance at serving. If you miss again, then your opponent gets a point and they get to serve.
👉 If you win a point while receiving serve, you earn the right to serve (this is called breaking serve). In doubles, if you break serve, your partner will take over serving duties. After each time a side wins a point while receiving (regardless of whether they broke serve), the receiving team switches sides of the court; therefore, after every even number of points
The scoring system in pickleball is not complicated but tricky. And if you want to pursue your passion for this sport, you must keep yourself connected with this sport.
But if you have any confusion about pickleball scoring systems, serving rules, or pickleball scoring devices, feel free to comment your queries.
Know What is Pickleball Scoring System:
The most important thing you need to know about a pickleball scoring system is that it is based on the principle of winning by two points.
However, a good player should know how to use the pickleball scoring system to win over an opponent.
A pickleball game is played to how many points?
It doesn’t matter how many points you score – the game ends when one team has two more points than the other team.
Games are played to 11 points and a team must win by two points. For example, if both teams reach 11 points, play continues until one team has a two-point lead over the other team.
The pickleball scoring device:
In competitive play, the pickleball scoring device is used to keep track of scores but it can also be used in non-competitive games because there are some people who have issues with keeping track of scores by themselves. The device usually has different dials that mark each serve and changes the score when needed but there are some devices that have digital displays.
What is a pickleball scoring device called?
Pickleball scoreboard:
The Pickleball Scoreboard with Automatic Service Line Indicator is an accessory that makes keeping score easier on your eyes and brain. With this scoring device, you don’t have to keep track of which player serves from which side or what line they need to serve from.
How to Keep Track of Scores in Pickleball:
It’s simple! One team serves for an entire game until it reaches 11 points or loses its serve. Scoring begins at zero and goes up from there. The server alternates with each point scored; each server serves twice before the other team serves once. The only exception is when one team scores 10 points and wins the game.
Each time one team scores a point, they gain serve from the opposing team. The serving side has the advantage in pickleball.
If you have any confusion about pickleball scoring systems, serving rules, or pickleball scoring devices, feel free to comment with your queries.